Williams said that is what she was going for. The accompanying video has a throwback feel that captures the elegance of a time when romance and elegance were king and queen and when jazz brought couples to the floor. She endows the song with packed vocals and lyrics that find her calling on the man who is the object of her affections to meet her halfway.

This ballad finds Williams standing flat footing and singing a torch song with conviction and heart on her sleeve vulnerability. And on “Don’t Tell No” Williams shows that she is 100 percent comfortable in touch with the fact that sometimes the heart wants what the heart wants. “Don’t Tell Me No,” is a different kind of song, that comes from the same place in that it reveals Williams as someone who understands and is in touch with the range of emotions that relationships bring out of human beings. Those club ready bangers also show that Williams makes music that is downright infectious that dares you to stay in your seat. (March 18, 2021) Brave Williams executed a gutsy move with her new single “Don’t Tell Me No.” It’s never easy for an artist or any person for that matter to step out of their comfort zone, and Williams had a good thing going with the release of cuts such as “U Tried It,” “Options” and “Road Trippin,’” three tracks that firmly establish her as an assertive boss who knows her worth, knows other people know her worth and is 100 percent in touch with her sensuality.